Intellect Operate: your one stop shop for optimizing revenue, managing assets, and integrating new distributed energy sources.

Maximize Revenue

Automatically optimize battery charging to maximize portfolio IRR.

Seamlessly Integrate

With Intellect Operate you are not trapped in bundled solutions and can choose any unique combination of battery/inverter.

Monitor, Manage

Monitor and manage your full portfolio of sites from a customized dashboard.

Key Features

  • WATTMORE - Cyber-Secure Hybrid Cloud

    Cyber-Secure Hybrid Cloud

    Our grid-edge cloud architecture is built for stability and security. Sensitive data is always encrypted and critical EMS functions are resilient to disconnection from the cloud.

  • WATTMORE - Future forward

    Future-Proof Technology

    Machine-learning pipelines train our algorithms with new data to keep your system in sync with the evolving patterns of energy use and production.

  • WATTMORE - Intellect Cloud-Based Dashboard

    Web-Based Dashboard

    The Intellect dashboard allows you to remotely monitor and manage your energy storage assets.

  • WATTMORE - Grid Services

    Ultra-Fast Optimization

    Our customized optimization engine has unparalleled computational efficiency - reducing the cost for time critical optimization and allowing Intellect to run on low-cost computers